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Thousands have found their love.

Success stories

Some couples who have found each other through our dating website, share their acquaintance stories with those who still have doubts about "love via the Internet" or doubts about the reality of bi-national relationship. They encourage others to make the first step towards virtual dating. We hope that these true stories of real people will help you, too, to change your life and find your happiness.
Svetlana & Pierre:
We live together and every day is a blessing, from morning to night.

On 25th of December 2022 a Christmas miracle came into my life. I received a letter from a man who became my husband a year later. His name is Pierre. [.. read on ..]
.. read on ..
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About InterFriendship

We work 100% serious and decent

InterFriendship - dating site specializing in international relations. During our 25-years of history we have helped thousands of women to find their dream partner and create a happy family. Our members are convinced of our professional and uncomplicated system. Come to us, and look for your love!

Elena Alexandra Oksana Konstantin Tom Manuel Svetlana
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Learn more about Western men - Germans

Why men from Germany?

Millions of lonely foreigners, including Germans, are looking for a loving partner in the east for a happy future. What attracts women to German men? Why do they tend to start dating and start a long-term relationship in Germany? You should know, that:

  • Germans take relationships very serious
  • Like in Eastern Europe, family is very important to them
  • They are always on time, quite tidy and like order
  • They are very romantic and believe in passionate love

Meet men

It is inherent in us that every woman wants to meet the man of her dream one day; or as Plato’s myth about Androgynies says, the Gods decided so by having condemned people to eternal search for their other half ...

At the age of 18, we are willing to meet men who are young and pretty.
At the age of 25, we are willing to meet men who are handsome and rich.
At the age of 35, we start thinking of trying to find a partner abroad (also who is rich).

At the age of 40 or 45, we revise our values and understand that starting a long-term relationship with a rich man is not always an advantage, since most of this people are wealthy because they don’t like spending their money, especially on women who prefer their money rather than their personality, and no one knows for how long such women will stay with their men. At this age our life experience says that looking for a man who has an average income, but who is interesting and intelligent, who can understand and support us in any situation, with whom you can be yourself and who will like and appreciate not only your strengths, but also your weaknesses.

By the age of 50 we understand that we might miss the train and appearance of our prospective partner is no longer number one quality (we are no longer princesses either), and common communication becomes a priority. At that age we dream of meeting a man with a stable social position and a balanced character. We wish that our potential partner could change something in our life, except for the amount of free space in our wardrobe, and be ready to sacrifice something for the sake of the woman he is going to keep.

What’s next? You have passed your fifties, but you still haven’t lost your hope to find love, to meet a man of your dream … To tell the truth, at this age international dating will not be easy. However, every day the number of courses for Internet and computer users for aged men increases and pension age for German men is getting close to 67 and retired Germans are very mobile and well-to-do (they travel a lot, do sports – visit any golf course or any prestigious hotel). Therefore, you still may hope to meet the man of your dream through our Dating Germany service. The main thing is a nice appearance, your wish and at least basic knowledge of German.

So, don’t waste your time hesitating! Time runs awfully fast and no one will give you back lost opportunities, emotions and feeling. Meet men, date men, flirt and fall in love! Send message to single men from our men’s catalogue that is updated on a daily basis. Communicating with people from other countries and cultures is so interesting and brings something new in your life!

Register at our international dating site, fill in a small personal questionnaire, upload your photos and be active – that’s all you need to start free of charge online dating and meet western men from Germany, Switzerland, Austria and other countries. Three steps and a bit of initiative - it's not much for having a chance to meet the man of your dream, your Mr. Right, in the near future.

InterFriendship Team wishes success to everyone – young girls, middle-aged women and mature ladies!


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