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100% real men Secure registration Serious and reliable
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Thousands have found their love.

Success stories

Some couples who have found each other through our dating website, share their acquaintance stories with those who still have doubts about "love via the Internet" or doubts about the reality of bi-national relationship. They encourage others to make the first step towards virtual dating. We hope that these true stories of real people will help you, too, to change your life and find your happiness.
Svetlana & Pierre:
We live together and every day is a blessing, from morning to night.

On 25th of December 2022 a Christmas miracle came into my life. I received a letter from a man who became my husband a year later. His name is Pierre. [.. read on ..]
.. read on ..
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About InterFriendship

We work 100% serious and decent

InterFriendship - dating site specializing in international relations. During our 25-years of history we have helped thousands of women to find their dream partner and create a happy family. Our members are convinced of our professional and uncomplicated system. Come to us, and look for your love!

Oksana Alexandra Svetlana Renate Tom Natalia Manuel
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Learn more about Western men - Germans

Why men from Germany?

Millions of lonely foreigners, including Germans, are looking for a loving partner in the east for a happy future. What attracts women to German men? Why do they tend to start dating and start a long-term relationship in Germany? You should know, that:

  • Germans take relationships very serious
  • Like in Eastern Europe, family is very important to them
  • They are always on time, quite tidy and like order
  • They are very romantic and believe in passionate love


InterFriendship is an acronym of international friendship. This name was chosen and patented by the founders of our dating site upon incorporation of the company in 1999. What is InterFriendship? InterFriendship is not a marriage agency in the generally accepted meaning, since our activity does not involve "staff recruitment for exporting abroad".

For more than 10 years InterFriendship has been German leading international dating site that gives women from Eastern Europe and men from Western Europe, in particular, single men from Germany, Austria and Switzerland, an opportunity to find each other, date each other, stop their loneliness at last and try building a nice common future.

International dating site InterFriendship is a diversity of cultures, views, opinions and dreams; it has plenty of useful information about online and real-life dating, a women’s forum, a professional team and much more.

InterFriendship Dating Germany is used by single people willing to find a life-long partner notwithstanding any geographical aspects, distances or borders. More and more often online dating started on our dating site ends in a happy long-term relationship.

We, InterFriendship team, hope that we will help you find love. Dear Ladies, if you are willing to find YOUR love, YOUR Mr. Right, welcome to InterFriendship!

Be active! Find a man for a long-term relationship - it's real.

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  • Get exited about their response vie e-mail!
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